Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I Want A Christian Attorney To Represent Me On My Personal Injury Case

I live and practice law in Atlanta, Georgia. My Atlanta accident law firm helps Atlanta citizens put their lives back together after the devastation of an injury. I love what I do and I do what I love! I am so thankful for the privilege of serving my clients.

I have another privilege that runs deeper: I serve Jesus Christ, the Savior and the King. My faith in Christ is not something I practice once a week on Sunday - it fills my whole life with joy and purpose. In fact, Jesus is my whole life. Knowing Him, serving Him means everything to me. God in Christ is at work redeeming this lost world - and He is always working, not just on Sundays. I view lawyering as a way to join in with His work of lovingly redeeming our broken world. I view my legal work as one channel of His redeeming love.

If you look at our injury firm's website or talk with me I hope you will quickly notice that I am a Christian who believes that a commitment to Christ should effect every square inch of life. There should be nothing I do during the day that is inconsistent with my profession of following Christ. Now - I will be the first to admit I fall short every day in many ways. Even so, my heart is set on pleasing Him in all I do! I want to do what God says! I have made great efforts to build our law practice on the foundation of what Scripture reveals about God's ways.

Practicing law God's way has many practical consequences. Like telling the truth even when it hurts. Telling the truth even when it is going to cost me money! Loving unlovely people - like some of the insurance adjusters and attorneys I work with! Praying for my clients to be physically healed. Encouraging people to be peace-makers instead of insisting on always standing on their rights. And so much more. It is a joy to "work out my salvation with fear and trembling" in my law work!

I believe the law is a calling. God called me to servant-hood and my model is Jesus. As a Christian advocate I am not to lord my training, credentials or specialized knowledge over others. I am to do what Jesus did - though He was supremely "credentialed" He knelt down and washed feet. I am a servant. I get to be a servant just like Jesus. That is how I want to be and how I want to treat my clients.

I do not want anyone to hire me because I advertise that I am a Christian. I do not want to use Jesus as a means to gain - that would violate everything I hold sacred. It would make me like the televangelists who pimp Jesus - how shameful. I want to be the mirror opposite of all that. I want my life and my practice to be an "advertisement" for Him - to honor Him and draw attention to Him.

I have found over the years that certain Christians want me to work for them because I am also a Christian. I understand that desire completely. I have to admit I have benefited from it at times. At other times I have found the Christian clients to be my most demanding and unreasonable clients and I find myself wishing they would act more like Jesus. And I suppose some past clients might say the same about me! I promise you I have not arrived at perfection.

If you are looking for a Christian attorney I am happy to talk to you. But you should be aware you might find a more skilled attorney who is Jewish, Muslim or Wiccan. If you hire them instead of me you might even have an opportunity to share Jesus with them. Yes, I think it is very precious to work with other believers. And yes, I need to feed my family and generally I do that by taking cases, not sending them away. But I will not tell you that you should hire me because I am a Christian. That is just not what being a Christian is about.