Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Driver That Hit Me Was Issued A Traffic Ticket - Do I Need To Go To Court?

In Atlanta and many cities around the State of Georgia going to traffic court can be a whole day ordeal. If you have ever been, you know exactly what I mean. Long lines and long waits are the norm.
At the scene of most car accidents, the police issue a citation to the at fault driver. Often the police will also give the innocent driver a notice or subpoena to show up at traffic court as a witness. Many of my clients ask me if they have to go to these hearings.
The truth is that nothing bad is likely to happen to you if you fail to appear on the court date. Most traffic courts are so busy they do not have time to keep track of all the defendants coming through the system, much less take time to track down missing witnesses. But be forewarned - if you received a subpoena to appear in court and fail to appear, you could be arrested for contempt of court. So be sure to check the paperwork to see if it is a subpoena and call the court to ask if you are required by law to be there.
I will blog in a few days about a common misunderstanding about traffic court and the impact of a finding that the other driver is guilty.