Saturday, December 3, 2011

Uninsured Motorist (UM) Coverage in Georgia Is About To Change For The Better - Part One

Maybe you, like me, received a notice from your automobile insurance company recently asking you to make some choices about your Uninsured Motorist coverage. The reason we got that notice was because legislation passed earlier this year required insurance companies to send a notice to each policyholder advising of new coverage options.
If you received such a notice, and if it was anything like the notice I received, you probably are wondering what in the world it means and what to do with it. The notice I received was written in legalese and my hunch is most people who got it tossed it in the trash - a completely understandable instinct!
I want to take a few days on my blog to talk about the amendment to the Georgia Uninsured Motorist coverage statute. This is more important then you might think. I don't want anyone to miss an opportunity to make sure they truly are fully covered in the event of accident or injury.
In my next blog post I'll talk about what Uninsured Motorist coverage is and why it is so important.