Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Drunk Drivers Come Out On New Year's Eve But New Year's Day is the Deadliest For Motorists

Atlanta roads are always dangerous but they grow positively treacherous if you drive on a holiday. Tonight, New Year's Eve, is a good night to stay home. For those that venture out, please drive with extreme caution. We all know that drunk and drugged drivers will be out in force, causing injury and death.

While I love to help make my clients' lives better, I hate the behavior that causes them to get injured and be in need of an attorney. When I think of all the injuries and deaths that are likely to occur tonight, well, it's more dreadful than I can bear to think about.

And here is a fact that may surprise you - New Year's Day is more deadly for motorists than New Year's Eve. So please keep your guard up on New Year's Day! It is another good day to just stay put at home!