This post could have been entitled this: How You Can Get Medical Treatment, Hospital Services, & MRI/CT Scans Even When You Do Not Have Medical Insurance. I regularly talk to people all over metropolitan Atlanta about this issue - it is a very common problem for car accident injury victims.
Here is the cause of the problem: the high cost of medical insurance puts it out of reach for many people. What do you do if you are injured and must go to the doctor but no doctor will see you?
Here is what we tell our clients - following an injury in a car wreck or other accident YOU CAN get the medical care you need EVEN IF you are uninsured. And we can help make it happen.
Here is the problem many uninsured people run into: hospitals and doctors are not willing to directly bill the insurance company of the driver that caused your accident (because the insurance companies will not pay until the end of your case). Hospitals and doctors want you to pay up front or provide them with proof of health insurance before they will see you. As a result many uninsured patients simply do not get the treatment they need. Their legal claims also suffer since no treatment = no claim.
This problem is a serious one - both for your health and your legal claim. It can be harmful to both.
Next time I will blog on the solution to the problem I have been discussing today.