Thursday, December 15, 2011

I Was Injured In A Car Accident But Do Not Have Medical Insurance - How Can I Find a Doctor Who Will See Me? Part Two

A few days ago I blogged on the question of how to find a doctor who will treat you after an injury even though you do not have health insurance. As I discussed in that post, this is a big problem for many of my Atlanta personal injury clients.

Here is one solution to the problem. If you are uninsured, one key to getting the treatment you need is something called an attorney lien. An attorney lien can open doors to treatment that would have been otherwise unavailable to you. We also can help you find the right doctor.

Here is how an attorney lien works: You tell us what treatment you need but are unable to get because you do not have medical insurance. We arrange for you to get that care right away and you pay nothing up front. We do that in one of two ways. A limited number of facilities and doctors will accept our written agreement that if they will take care of you we will, as your attorneys of record, promise to pay them at the end of your case. Other facilities work with a medical funding company that will pay your doctor up front if your attorneys of record promise to pay the funding company at the end of your case. Both approaches are effective ways to get you the treatment you need when you need it and without bankrupting you!

I know how important getting the right treatment can be. Without it your health is at risk. Your legal claim suffers as well, since if you do not get the treatment you need your attorney has no way of proving the extent of your injury.